Monday, 14 October 2019

Table Top Wave Soldering Machine: Cost-Effective Solutions for Electronic Industry

Today, the majority of Printed Circuit Board designs are focused on minimizing space, which minimizes the separation between components and makes the use of Surface Mount Devices and high-density multi-layer PCBs more attractive. Table top wave soldering machine helps a type of wave soldering that targets specific components or regions of the printed circuit board. It is the solution for smaller boards with congested or mixed through-hole and Surface Mount Devices. This wave soldering machine has distinctive advantages over full board wave soldering

Advantages of Using Table Top Wave Soldering Machine

Wave Soldering: What & Way

Wave soldering is nothing but a bulk soldering process. It is used in the manufacture of PCBs i.e. printed circuit boards. The PCB is passed over a pan of molten solder in which a pump produces an upwelling of solder which looks like a standing wave. As the PCB makes contact with this wave, the components become soldered to the circuit board.

Wave soldering is generally used for both through-hole PCB assemblies as well as surface mount. As mentioned earlier, the components are glued onto the surface of a PCB by the placement equipment, before being run by way of the molten solder wave. In a nutshell, wave soldering is used in soldering of through-hole components. These days, due to the ease of use table top wave soldering machine is highly in demand for PCB assembly.

Moreover, there is still significant wave soldering where SMT i.e. Surface-Mount Technology, is not that much suitable, for instance, large power devices and high pin count connectors.

PCB Assembly Equipment for Efficient Wave Soldering

Things to Know About Table Top Wave Soldering Machine

There are many different types of wave solder machines; moreover, the basic components, as well as principles of these machines, are the same. The basic equipment used during the soldering process is a conveyor that moves the PCB i.e. Printed Circuit Board through the different zones, a pan of solder used in the soldering process. Also, a pump is used to produce the actual wave, the sprayer for the flux as well as the preheating pad. The solder is no other than a mixture of metals. Generally, a typical leaded solder has the chemical makeup of 50 per cent tin, 49.5 per cent lead, and 0.5 per cent antimony.

Table top wave soldering machine is used for mass soldering of electronic components to PCB. The wave of molten solder is generally used in the process, thus the name table top for easy to set up and easy to use. Wave soldering with the help of table top wave solder is the most widely used method in the electronics industry for medium and large scale mass soldering of through-hole electronic components to printed circuit boards.

Many times many people ask a question. How to choose the proper wave soldering machine for my application? The answer is simple. You need to estimate the production you need per day, and according to that, you need to choose the machine. It is better if you ask your seller. They can give you the proper estimation and tell you which machine to choose. 

Wave Soldering Machine Saves Time & Improves Production
Summing Up

Wave soldering has been around a long time. It was the primary method of soldering components to PCBs when boards were larger and components were normally all through-hole components. They were sparsely placed on the PCBs. In this case, table top wave soldering machine is used in an automated way to produce a large number of PCBs efficiently and quickly.

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